The global pandemic has disrupted the normal way of life for most of us. But that may not be a bad thing. People are still looking for purpose, which means that growing careers and relationships have not changed all that much.
Career development in particular matters now more than ever. For both employer and employee, career growth and development needs to be thought out before even hiring a candidate. Here are a few things to consider.
Employee Life Cycle
Career growth is not a trend, it is something that has to become embedded within the overall employee experience. It is something that employers should be considering before they even hire the latest team member.
Take stock of the tools and opportunities in place for employees. Get feedback on those experiences to see where improvements can be made. Focus on growth as a way of life, not a trend.
Holding Managers Accountable
While each person has their own level of accountability for their career development, there are other impacting factors. For instance, managers who advocate for growth and are held accountable often foster more successful teams.
The best managers will get together to discuss goals, both short- and long-term. The best managers will also look for the value within those conversations to create the best path forward for their employees, their teams, and themselves.
Thinking Beyond the Minimum
There will always be employees who show up and do just enough to survive. But there will be more than a few who show up looking to thrive, looking to grow. Both organizations and individuals need to recognize the potential there when it exists.
An employee showing substantial growth may not necessarily be doing everything right, but they are learning and growing, trying to get better with each day. The best employees are not necessarily naturals at what they do. They are simply willing to work hard and improve themselves day in and day out. The minimum may be fine for others, but not those striving for career development.